Rosboro isDesign™ Software
Easily Design Your Projects
Get the custom fit you need.
Using the most recent .NET technology isDesign software takes all of the guesswork out of specifying and using glulam. Created by Calculated Structured Designs, this software allows users to easily enter the span and load conditions for a given project and automatically determine the best product for that application. Users can also calculate multiple spans, point loads, cantilevers, and other applications. isDesign is ideal for architects, designers, and builders. It recognizes all United States building codes and offers printable design calculations and beam capacities.
Please note: your software is valid for 30 days after install. Please contact Jeff Morrison at Rosboro (541) 521-3132 if you wish to continue using isDesign after the initial 30 day trial period. isDesign is free to current Rosboro customers as well as designers and specifiers of Rosboro’s engineered wood products.
To register with the Rosboro CSD portal, click here.
*Rosboro’s X-Beam Products are supported in a wide range of design software that includes isDesign™, ENERCALC™, SAPPHIRE™, StrucCalc™ as well as Weyerhaeuser’s FORTE®, JAVELIN®, and ESTIMA™
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows XP, Vista, 7
- 2 GHZ Processor
- RAM Memory of 1GB
- Hard Disk free space of 250MB
- Internet Explorer 7
- Monitor with a resolution of 1024×768
- Microsoft .NET framework 4

Considering custom glulam? Contact us now to speak to an expert.
Technical Specs